Horse racing is a sport where horses are put to the test in a contest of speed and stamina. It has evolved over the centuries from a primitive competition to today’s huge public-entertainment business, but its essential feature remains the same. The horse that crosses the finish line first wins. The term horse race can also be used as a metaphor for a nail-biting contest, such as a political election.
The sport is governed by a series of rules set by the racing commission. The rules ensure the safety of both horses and jockeys. In addition to the standard rules, there are special conditions for certain races. For example, a steeplechase is a long-distance race with many obstacles. This type of race is a challenge for the horse and requires a great deal of skill and judgment from the rider.
In flat horse races, the pedigree of a racehorse is important for the horses’ eligibility to compete. The horse’s sire (father) and dam (mother) must be purebred members of the breed that is being raced. The pedigree is verified by an official before the horse can enter a race. Before a race begins, the horses are paraded in the paddock area of the track to be saddled and inspected by an official. Once the race begins, the jockeys, or riders, must weigh in to ensure they are carrying the proper amount of weight. Saliva and urine samples are taken to check for illegal substances.
The first step in improving horse welfare is addressing the sport’s lack of an adequately funded industry-sponsored wraparound aftercare solution for all horses leaving the track. In a world that increasingly recognizes animals as having fundamental rights, the for-profit industry that created these magnificent creatures must take responsibility to provide them with an adequate life after racing.
When journalists frame elections as a horse race instead of focusing on policy issues — what’s known as horse-race coverage — voters, candidates and the news industry suffer, a growing body of research shows. This collection of articles provides an in-depth look at the effects of this common strategy for reporting on politics.